Tuesday, 29 January 2013

My Wildself Story

Name : Wozzy AKA the Ibex Dog Mon Cra Opusat   Lemur
Age: 17
Origin Planet : TTZ-23178 Planet
Hobby: Traveling, Inventing , Watching Horror Movie, Eating Oxen, Annoying People

Wozzy is from TTZ-23178 Planet, he was kicked by the leader in his planet until he landed on Earth Planet. He is kicked, because he always annoyed some girls at noon. He landed on Bundaran HI Jakarta Indonesia, he made everyone who saw it scared, because his face is very ugly. Then, he was brought by Indonesian Police to laboratory for interogation.
During the interogation, a profesor from Indonesia found out that Wozzy was an alien from the other planet. He could breath with oxygen, nitrogen, and  CO2.  Oxen, cats, dogs, and pigs were Wozzy`s favorite food. Wozzy also could speak English and Chinese. Profesor said Wozzy often disturbed  nurses in laboratory and he sometimes kicked Profesor`s leg. Wozzy said, in his planet, there was connection to internet, so he knew about Earth and FC Barcelona.
Wozzy has two wings like a bat, so he can fly. He also has two horns on his head. He hasn`t got foots to walk, he has a tail like an Octupus`s tail. Wozzy has two hands like Crab`s tweezers, two big ears, big circle eyes, and he has dreadlocks hair. Wozzy will be brought to America for some research. Indonesian people are very interested in Wozzy, so yesterday Wozzy was showed to public in Grand Indonesia and he met his favorite football player Leo Andres Messi who came to Indonesia to see Wozzy.

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